Audio Dispatches: Panthers, Sandinistas, and Colombian Ballads, Oh My!

Don’t want to fall out of favor with the NPR folks. It’s been a while since I posted some of these, so let’s start out with my piece that aired on BBC’s The World earlier this week. You’ll remember the interview with Michael Franti that I posted here all last week. Well, this is what became of it:

Global Hit: Michael Franti Back from Iraq and on the Road

Also, listening to PubRadio sometimes offers the most serious inspiration to hit the road and get out in the world. Something about just hearing what a place sounds like, jus makes it all the more intriguing, whereas TV can never do a place justice. These are the sounds and places that caught my ear in the last week:

NPR : Hearing a Panther Up Close, Very Close

Observers Warn of U.S. Manipulation in Nicaragua

Colombia Embraces Fierce, New Musical Genre